Saturday, August 31, 2019
Youth Outpatient Hiv Depression Care Health And Social Care Essay
Worldwide, HIV/AIDS and depression are the prima causes of disease load for immature people aged 10-24 old ages. ( 1 ) Young people aged 15-24 history for half of all new HIV infections worldwide. Every twenty-four hours, 6,000 immature people aged 15-24 old ages become septic with HIV, which is an dismaying tendency, since this is the largest young person coevals in history. ( 2 ) In sub-Saharan Africa, more than half of all new infections are among immature people, with misss being peculiarly affected and represent a higher proportion of reported HIV infections and reported AIDS instances among youth ages 13 to 19 than among any other age group. ( 3,4 ) Cases of HIV infection diagnosed among youth 13 to 24 could be declarative of overall tendencies in HIV incidence because this age group has more late initiated bad behaviors. ( 5 ) Regular attending at clinical centres is required for HIV infection to supervise disease patterned advance, to get down and so supervise the response to antiretroviral therapy, and to give of import information to the patient on minimising the hazard of transmittal. Despite this demand for regular monitoring, loss to follow up in HIV cohort ( surveies ) can be a common happening and is infrequently reported. ( 6 ) This current survey purposes to find a ) the incidence of loss to follow up among HIV infected youth accessing attention at a youth- focused and a family- centered clinic in Kisumu, Kenya ; B ) baseline socio- demographic and clinical features associated with loss to follow up Justification: Nyanza Province in Kenya has the highest load of HIV infection in Kenya, with the HIV prevalence standing at 14.9 % , which is more than twice the national norm of 7.1 % . The national HIV prevalence amongst young person aged 15-24 old ages is 3.8 % ( 5.6 % in females and 11.4 % in males ) whilst that amongst 15- 19 twelvemonth olds is 2.3 % ( 3.5 % in females and 1.0 % in males. ) ( 7 ) In Kisumu City, the prevalence amongst females aged 15- 19 twelvemonth olds is 23 % , whilst in male childs of the same age class it is 3.5 % . ( 8 ) Merely a little proportion of these young persons were accessing attention and support services and keeping to care was low, with merely 5.3 % of patients enrolled at the HIV attention clinics within Kisumu City were aged 13-21 old ages. It has been shown that up to 60 % of immature people populating with HIV may non be in everyday HIV attention. Youth-centred HIV plans report that one of the most ambitious facets of working with HIV-positive young person is prosecuting them ab initio and retaining them in attention once they are enrolled. Despite the best attempts of outreach staff, lost-to-follow-up rates remain unwantedly high. ( 5 ) A major programmatic challenge for youth-specific HIV services is maintaining HIV-positive young person connected to care and back up systems that can run into their demands for emotional support, guidance, and bar instruction while supervising demands for medical attention, nutrition intercessions, and ARV intervention. ( 9 ) Adolescents with peri- natally-acquired HIV have alone features that may perplex their passage into adult-oriented attention scenes. ( 10 ) In one of a series of surveies on HIV and young person in Brazil, most doctors go toing advanced HIV preparation agreed th at the Ministry of Health should set up targeted services for HIV-infected young person. Nevertheless, associating HIV-infected striplings to HIV attention has proved hard. ( 11 ) The long-run nature of of HIV intervention calls for particular accent on keeping in attention of septic young person. ( 4 ) Transitioning the medical attention of kids with peri- natally-acquired HIV from paediatric attention to internal medical specialty patterns has become progressively of import as newer therapies prolong endurance.MethodsStudy DesignThis retrospective analysis used informations routinely collected from HIV infected patients enrolled in attention at Lumumba Health Center and at Tuungane Youth Center, both in Kisumu municipality. Patients aged between 15- 21 old ages enrolled into attention between July 2007 and October 2010 were eligible for inclusion in the analysis. The survey was approved by the institutional reappraisal boards of the Kenya Medical Research Institute and the Centers for Disease Control- KenyaProgram descriptionFamily AIDS Care and Education Services ( FACES ) , is a family- centered HIV bar, attention and intervention plan funded by the United States President ââ¬Ës Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ( PEPFAR ) through a co-operative understanding with the Centers for Disease Control ( CDC ) . FACES- Nyanza provides these services in more than 60 government- tally wellness installations across 6 territories in Nyanza state of Kenya. Tuungane Youth Center is a youth- specific plan run by Impact Research Development Organization and is funded by PEPFAR to supply VCT, ABY and STI showing and intervention to youth aged between 13- 21 old ages. It is based within Kisumu municipality, Nyanza, Kenya. In Nov 2005, these two plans collaborated with the purposes of bettering HIV services to the young person accessing attention at the two sites. Care at the two sites is standardized, with the same clinical visit/ brush signifiers and attention is offered, free of charge, harmonizing to standardised national guidelines. There is besides a clinical staff exchange plan between the two sites. To day of the month, FACES- Lumumba has enrolled patients ( x % youth aged between 13- 21years ) while Tuungane has enrolled xxxx HIV infected patients since the coaction began.Missed assignments and defaulter tracingFaces, through its Clinic and Community and Health Assistants ( CCHA ) section, runs an active defaulter following programme to better patient keeping. Upon registration, each patient ââ¬Ës reference and contact information is recorded. A patient losing his/ her assignment is identified from the day-to-day attending registry and sought 3 yearss after a lost assignment. This same defaulter following mechanism is in topographic point at Tuungane.Data aggregationSocio-demographic, clinical and pharmacological informations collected at each patient ââ¬Ës visit on a standardised clinical visit signifier is manually entered into an electronic medical records system that was launched at both sites in July 2007. FACES manages the database.VariablesThe primary result is loss to follow up ( LTFU ) , defined as a patient losing their last assignment by & gt ; 4 months. Socio-demographic and clinical features considered as independent forecasters of LTFU and analyzed as binary/ index variables were baseline: age, above or below the population survey mean ; gender, male or female ; marital/ civil position, married/ partnered or non and clinic type ; youth- specific vs. family- oriented. Highest educational degree attained was categorized into 4: ââ¬Å" none â⬠, ââ¬Å" some primary â⬠, ââ¬Å" some secondary â⬠and ââ¬Å" some college/ university â⬠. CD4 was categorized into 4 classs of: ââ¬Å" & lt ; 50cells/mm3 â⬠, ââ¬Å" 50-100cells/mm3 â⬠, 100-200cells/mm3 â⬠and ââ¬Å" & gt ; 200cells/mm3 â⬠WHO clinical presenting had phases I-IV. ART position at LTFU was analyzed as a binary variable, of all time started vs. ne'er started on ART. Baseline was defined as up to 60 yearss upon registration. Patients transferred out of either clinic, or determined to hold died or withdrawn from attention were non considered as LTFU.Datas analysisChi- square ( Iâ⬠¡2 ) trial was used to analyse the categorical variables and logistic arrested development was used to place factors associated with loss to follow up. Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios ( ORs ) and the 95 % assurance intervals were calculated in the theoretical accounts. Kaplan- Meier method was used to gauge the incidence of LTFU, presented as events per 100 person- old ages, from day of the month of registration. The event day of the month of a LTFU was the day of the month of the last clinic visit in the records. Patients determined to hold been transferred out, withdrawn, or dead, informations was censored at their day of the month of last assignment or day of the month of decease if known. Datas on patients still in active attention at the terminal of the survey period was censored at the day of the month of their last clinic visit. Wilcoxon log- rank trial was used to compare survival curves. All analyses were performed utilizing STATA version 11/SE package ( StataCorp LP, College Station, USA )Consequences:Patient features:Over the 3-year period, 927 patients ( 79 % female, average age 20 old ages ) were identified to be eligible for inclusion in the information analysis. 63 % were enrolled at the youth- specific clinic and a bulk ( 66 % ) of those who had their educational province indicated ( n=837 ) , had attained some signifier of primary school instruction while merely 1.7 % had non accompanied school at all. 61.5 % were non married/ partnered and 5.9 % were reported to hold some signifier of employment. Majority of the patients were of good clinical and immunological position ( 81 % were WHO phase I & A ; II and 80 % had CD4 cell counts & gt ; 200/mm3 ) . Merely 3 % were WHO stage IV and 5 % CD4 cell counts & lt ; 50/mm3. 61 % of the patients had ne'er been started on ART. ( Table 1 )Loss to follow up:57.2 % of the patients were documented as LTFU ( 79.4 % female, 66.8 % at the youth- specific clinic, p 0.006 ) . A huge bulk of the patients were of good immunological and clinical position ( 81 % WHO phase I & A ; II and 82 % CD4 cell count & gt ; 200/mm3 ) and had ne'er been started on ART ( 75 % , P & lt ; 0.0001 ) . 54 % were above the survey population average age of 22 old ages. ( Table 1 ) There were a sum of 390 LTFU events over 743 person- old ages of follow up. The incidence of LTFU was 53.4 per 100 individual old ages. The average clip to LTFU was 1.6 old ages upon registration ( 95 % CI 1.5- 1.7 ) . The incidence was significantly higher in those who had ne'er started ART ( Log rank p 0.0047 ) ( Figure 1 ) Univariate logistic arrested development identified youth- specific site ( OR 1.46, 95 % CI 1.12- 1.91 ) and ART position ( OR 0.23, 95 % CI 0.18- 0.31 ) to be associated with LTFU. On multivariate logistic arrested development, merely ART position was associated with LTFU ( OR 0.28, 95 % CI 0.19- 0.41 ) . Gender, age, matrimonial position, educational degree, occupational position, WHO clinical phase and CD4 were all non prognostic of LTFU. ( Table 1 )Discussion:This survey shows that LTFU is really high among this vulnerable age group, more so at the youth- focused clinic. Youth go toing attention at a youth- specific clinic are 46 % more likely to acquire LTFU. This might intend that a family- focussed theoretical account of attention is better than the youth- focussed theoretical account but this might be because young person taking to go to the youth- focused clinic have different societal features that place them at higher hazard of LTFU compared to those go toing attention at the family- focused site e.g lower revelation position, higher stigmatisation, hapless household support. Surveies to measure differences in societal features between young person go toing attention at the youth- particular and the family- centered clinic are required. A cardinal determination of this survey is that being on ART protects against LTFU even after commanding for other factors, consistent with other similar surveies done in grownup populations elsewhere. ( 12, 13, 14 ) HIV infected young person who are good clinically and immunologically and therefore non measure up for ART may non see the ground to adhere to their follow up visits. They may merely so return to the clinic when their wellness deteriorates and are likely to remain in attention as they receive ART. This could besides intend that attachment guidance to those non on ART is hapless or that the really ill ( and therefore necessitate ART ) are taken to the family- focused clinic by their similarly HIV infected household members. Surveies have demonstrated that mortality and loss to follow up rates are higher in patients non on but eligible for ART. ( 13 ) High pre- ART loss to follow up and particularly in those with less advanced clinical phase raises concern, since they are likely to be engaged in hazardous sexual patterns. ( 12 ) Strategies to enable earlier start of ART and to advance keeping in attention are required. In this survey, 50 % of patients got lost at 1 twelvemonth and 7 months of registration. Time from induction of ART to loss to follow up was nevertheless, non determined. Surveies among big populations found that on norm, 21 % of HIV infected patients get lost from attention in the first six months after get downing ART and approximately 40 % of patients are lost at two old ages, with big fluctuation in keeping rates. ( 15 ) There is demand for intercessions that improve linkage to care and prioritise ART induction particularly for those with low baseline CD4 counts. ( 16 ) There was no association between LTFU and clinical/ immunological position and others have besides shown that more advanced HIV disease and the absence of clinical phase appraisal are strongly associated with the hazard of decease ; but non with no followup or a loss to followup in the first 6 months. ( 17 ) Sarah et al nevertheless, reveal low baseline CD4 counts and unemployment to be independently associated with being lost to follow up. ( 18 ) Employment position was non associated with LTFU in this survey From the database, merely 60 patients were identified as discontinued from attention ( 9 deceased, 48 transferred to other clinics and 3 withdrew from attention ) and were therefore non defined as LTFU. Surveies to look into the true results of all patients defined as LTFU are required, since they could fall into one of three classs: wholly out of attention, go toing attention at other installations or deceased ( 19 ) . Patients who do non return for followup at clinics supplying comprehensive HIV/AIDS attention require particular attending. This is peculiarly true where resources are limited and clinic tonss are high. ( 20 ) Patients non doing their assignments may hold stopped taking antiretroviral drugs, ensuing in high mortality ; or may hold transferred to another plan. In ART programmes in resource-limited scenes a significant minority of grownups lost to follow up can non be traced, and among those traced 20 % to 60 % had died. ( 15 ) Constitution of systems for monitoring and following loss-to-follow-up patients, and to implement schemes for bettering keeping in attention is required for all HIV clinics. ( 18 ) Study strengths and failings: The follow up period of three old ages and a ample population gives the survey some strength, though the findings would non be generalizable to the full population since it involved merely one family- focused and one youth- focused clinic in Kisumu, Kenya. The theoretical account used in this survey was a hapless forecaster of the result. Similar surveies elsewhere are warranted.Decision:Newer and advanced attacks to retain HIV septic young person in attention, even at young person specific clinics, are desperately required. In the interim, targeted guidance should be directed toward HIV infected youth non yet get downing ART.Recognitions:I ââ¬Ëd wish to admit all staff and patients at FACES and Tuungane who made this survey possible and to my advisers at UCB for the huge support and valuable way in making this survey.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Dismissing A Worker For Misconduct
As an HRD Manager what steps you will initiate before dismissing a workman found guilty of misconduct where there is the presence of a strong employees union.Union or no union, any employee at any level within an organization, should not be spared for misconduct and appropriate action should be taken as per the organizationââ¬â¢s policies and principles. Having said that the employee in question should be given ample scope, support and assistance to defend his or her case.Upon knowledge of such incidence with a worker, the HRD manager,1. Check with the file of the worker, the details of such as the date of association and other relevant information. 2. He has to check whether itââ¬â¢s a case of habitual misconduct or a gross misconduct. 3. In case of habitual misconduct he has to gather the information of the previous incidences, actions taken and remedial corrections on part of the worker, if any. 4. Habitual misconducts include late coming, absenteeism; taking frequent breaks etc. the worker and the supervisor should be sensitized on the gravity of the misconduct and corrective course suggested.5. In case of a grave misconduct, the worker should be called in and asked to give an explanation. 6. The case has to be briefed to him in detail and he should be asked to present his side of the story. 7. The HRD Manager has to ensure beforehand that all details regarding the case are with him and he is through them thoroughly before sitting with the worker. 8. After the worker has put his case, the manager has to come to a conclusion whether there is a case in the first place. When evidence of misconduct is apparent, he should seek whether the worker accepts the charges. 9. There could be three consequences:a. the worker accepts the charges b. the worker partially accepts the charges c. the worker still denies misconduct.10. When the worker has accepted having done misconduct, appropriate disciplinary action should be initiated as per the policies of the establ ishment. 11. The same needs to be intimated to the union.12. Any further interference on part of the union becomes wrong and chance are that no such interference will take place once the worker has agreed in writing of the misconduct. 13. When the worker has accepted only some of the charges, the HRD manager ahs to establish whether the charges accepted amount to any substantial punishment or not. 14. Show cause notice needs to be issued to the worker and appropriate action taken. Union should be intimated of the same.15. In case of non acceptance and partial acceptance to other than grave issues, a domestic inquiry should be initiated using a designated internal investigating officer. 16. When the report of the internal investigation substantiates the misconduct, the union needs to be informed and taken into confidence. 17. When there are chances of resistance from the union, the HRD manager should sit with the representative of union and win his confidence. One can use lines such as, ââ¬Å"this time he has done this with the establishment, next time he may as well ruin the union reputationâ⬠.18. Post unionââ¬â¢s confidence appropriate action should be taken. 19. In case of disagreement and incorrect interference and influence by the union, the case should be taken to a tribunal or labour court. 20. In the state of Tamil Nadu, a worker found guilty of misconduct should be given a Final Show Cause Notice, after the report of the internal inquiry. 21. Disciplinary action may, depending on the gravity of the issue, be warning, suspension for a maximum period of 4 days or dismissal. 22. When the worker in question is an office bearer of the union, the relevant provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act should be referred to and adhered.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Application Of Ethical Theory To A Case Study Philosophy Essay
Application Of Ethical Theory To A Case Study Philosophy Essay John is a loyal employee and has been working at the same firm for many years, since the current manager was a child but a year ago Johnââ¬â¢s son and wife died in an accident, which led to John being depress. He turn up for work late, sometimes drunk and often absent. He has been repeatedly warned but his behaviour hasnââ¬â¢t change. The manager decides to keep him on the job; did he do the right thing? It can be acknowledge that business ethics is the process or the study of standard and principles that guide the expected behaviour in the business world. Although businesses must make a profit to ensure survival, efforts must be made in order to balance the aspiration for profit against the desires and needs of society. (Ferell 2002). Ethical decision-making is the process by which one makes choices about ethical issues, based on a set of standards that separate right from wrong. It reflects an understanding of the principles inherent in ethics, and the various philosophical approaches to ethical decision-making. Ethical decision-making also requires a systematic framework for tackling difficult and often controversial moral questions, as mention in the case study on whether Michael has done the right thing by keeping John on the job. With the business world changing all the time, a large variety of stakeholders may have an interest with an establishment, such as customers, shareholders, the media, government, non- government, employees and investors. Undoubtedly, they have a shifting level of authority on the growth and operation of the business. The case study illustrate 4 key stakeholder; Michael the manager, employees, family members and customers. It is vital that every stakeholder is taken into account before a decision is made. As mention by Freeman (1984) a stakeholder of an organisation is people who can influence or is impinge on by the achievement of the business objectivesââ¬â¢. For instance to sack John, will it help his family? Will it help other employees? Will it benefit the business? All these questions must be taken in account before sacking John. A factor that determines a decision is based on how pertinent or important the case is, or the intensity of the issue.à The importance of issues varies from time to time, and is influenced by oneââ¬â¢s values and beliefs. Individuals and their values is one of the greatest challenges faced as it relates to organizational ethics.à Individual factors are important in evaluating and resolving ethical issues.à Conflicts between co-workers usually arise in the workplace and decisions that are made are based on their beliefs and moral philosophies.à à Ethical issues importance reflects an individualââ¬â¢s feelings, thereby activating the ethical decision-making process.à The management can influence an ethical decision through rewards or punishments.à Employees should train workers on how to handle ethical issues which is a step in developing the employeesââ¬â¢ ability to make decisions which will also enhance organizational ethics. Without a doubt, the decision to dismiss John will have a major impact on him. This is due to the fact that he is unskilled. Getting back to employment will be difficult as all businesses will look for someone who has skilled. In addition it will be hard to get back into employment due to the fact that businesses may ask him why he left his previous job and to say ââ¬Å"I got the sackâ⬠will not please to the employee.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The career corruption by mediation and cronyism Essay
The career corruption by mediation and cronyism - Essay Example Fairness obliges one to be totally objective and unbiased, exercising guidelines and policies fairly, and evaluating or appraising everybody by the same criteria. Almost nothing weakens employee motivation and confidence more rapidly than cronyism. The field of ethics mainly encourages people to be just or fair. As proposed by Aristotle: ââ¬Å"Equals should be treated equally and unequals unequallyâ⬠(Gertrude, 1987, 256). But the widespread practice of cronyism hinders equality and fairness because it awards too much advantage to a person who does not truly deserve this benefit. Cronyism, whether practiced in the public or private sector, effectively weaken organizations. When a person is hired or promoted because of connections instead of experience, skill, or expertise, the contribution that person provides to the organization could be substandard. Moreover, according to Reilly and colleagues (2012), because cronyism is usually hidden, this practice damages the transparency that is ought to be practiced in the process of hiring and contracting. The Qurââ¬â¢an is clear in its position regarding cronyism, or concerning the enduring conflict between justice or fairness and self-interest (Baig, 2013, para 5): ââ¬Å"Be just, even if it is against your narrowly defined self-interest or of those very close to you. Ignorant people think they are protecting their self-interest by being unjust to others. Their decision to be just or unjust may be based on a cold calculation of self-interest. But real faith in Allah elevates one beyond that narrow-mindedness.â⬠This statement shows that the justice or fairness upheld by the Islamic law allows no cronyism or favoritism in general. Whether cronyism is practiced in the form of giving advantages or favors for certain individuals or conferring preferential treatment, cronyism definitely implies that some individuals are in some way more equal than others. Preventing even the indication of cronyism is particul arly vital in hiring someone or in awarding a promotion. While the person carrying out the selection process may have a personal favorite, s/he will be cautious to base the hiring process on objective standards as professional history, expertise, and experience, building what is at times called ââ¬Å"a level playing fieldâ⬠(Storti, 2004, 56). In several organizations, especially those in the public sector, the names of job candidates are erased from the application during the preliminary assessment phase to facilitate a supposedly ââ¬Ëblindââ¬â¢ assessment of each candidateââ¬â¢s qualifications (Cascarino, 2012). The ethics of fairness goes beyond employees to accept how people generally are to be handled or approached, such as contractors or clients. The central premise here is that organizations must treat everybody they interact with equally, implementing policies and guidelines objectively, irrespective of an individualââ¬â¢s ââ¬Ëconnectionsââ¬â¢, social standing, personal affiliation with the employer, or any other conditions that may be considered biased, discriminatory, or subjective. According to Langan-Fox and colleagues (2007), people, who attempt to take advantage of their social status, expecting preferential treatment because of their ââ¬Ërankââ¬â¢, are lowly regarded, and employees who yield to such demands will usually not be recognized. Definition of Cronyism in Career Corruption One of the most typical descriptions of corruption is the exploitation of public position for personal interests. In almost all societies,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
HSBC is the world's local bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
HSBC is the world's local bank - Essay Example Through an international network linked by advanced technology, including a rapidly growing e-commerce capability, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services: personal financial services; commercial banking; corporate, investment banking and markets; private banking; and other activities. HSBC starts offering its e-banking since several years ago among other pioneers in banking services such as Citibank. Firstly, with regardless of absolute convenience of using online services, many existing clients of HSBC treated with suspicious, but later lots of customers started using it. Besides e-banking helped HSBC to attract new customers, who were pleased of arrange for different payments via Internet, mobiles etc. HSBC specialists analysed, and then approved, that remote e-banking operations were cheaper comparing with using classic method with bank clerks' client servicing at the bank's branches. Surely, reliable and fast-acting e-bank system costs rather expensive, and should be constantly upgraded to reflect the new services, security requirements, the possibility of servicing growing customers' data base. But nevertheless it became bore profitable and allowed customers to have full secure access to their personal accounts. The work entitled: "European Online Banking Strategies" published by Business Insights (2006) states that "eBanking is viewed as a 'must have' by retail banks across Europe. The need to keep up with competitors, retain existing customers and attract new ones has drive the market forward." (Business Insights, 2006) Figure 1 - Total Internet Banking Customers as a Proportion of Retail Banking Population Source: Business Insights (2006) The Business Insights Report 2006 states that: "Overall Internet banking customers will grow from 2% of the European retail banking population in 1999 to 9% in 2004" (Business Insights, 2006) Figure 2 - European e-learning IT expenditures 1999 & 2004 Source: Business Insights (2006) Further related by the Business Insights (2006) report is that: "European eBanking IT expenditure will grow from $302m in 1999 to almost $1.4bn in 2004 a CAGR of 30.9%. The most significant country market in terms of eBanking expenditure in 1999 was the UK which accounted for 27.3% of expenditure." (Business Insights, 2006) Figure 3 - Growth of European ITV Banking Users, 1999-2004 Source: Business Insights (2006) Business Insights also reveals in its report that: "As premium becomes more established, the demand for increasingly indulgent and sensory tastes will become a more important driver, while income-related factors will decline in importance. (Business Insights, 2006) Figure 4 - European e-baking IT expenditures, by project type Source: Business Insights (2006) Finally related by the Business Insights Report (2006) is the fact that: "A key element of expenditure on developing full banking services was the integration of additional lines of business to allow online application, authorization and management. For example online approval in principle for loans, mortgages and
Monday, August 26, 2019
Why do we like violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Why do we like violence - Essay Example ours of television programming weekly.à Although the negative health affects have been a topic of much recent discussion, the expressed purpose of this research analysis will be to draw a level of inference upon the way in which violence represented in television media affects the minds, outlook, psychology, and world-view interpretation of the adolescent viewing audience.à à From such a review, the reader will be able to understand that even though violence within the media has increased within the past several years, it is not doing so divorced from the demand by the viewer. It does not take a great deal of analysis to understand fact that this pervasive level of violence only exists is due to the fact that consumers are actively engaging with this violence and consuming it. It is the understanding of this particular author that the reason and rationale behind this has to do with the fact that violence represents one of the most primitive and basic mechanisms through which h umans have evolved. When one begins to integrate with an understanding of basic human evolution, they come to the analysis of the fact that almost all history has been dictated with respect to power dynamics and the threat and application of violence. In such a way, the exhibition of violence with regards to media, and in a boxing, and a litany of violent video games is a manner through which humans are able to connect with a more bestial and under-evolved aspect of their own evolutionary history. This appeal and violence has is primitive; almost as primitive as the appeal of sexual desire. Accordingly, one does not need to look very far within advertising, media, or any other form of societal representation to understand that the appeals to a more basic levels of humanity are the ones that integrate the most closely with the stakeholder. Violence, as with sex, is something of a vicarious experience. Whereas it is obvious that it is illegal for an individual to venture out on the st reets and engage in an argument with someone that they find offensive ââ¬â eventually coming to blows and knocking out this individual ââ¬â this vicarious experience can be had via the litany of different violent video games, television programs, and other representations about that exist within society. In such a manner, the angst and frustration that individuals feel at any given time is able to be vicariously experience through such representations of violence. Even though organized society has come a long way, and individuals are arguably more involved now than at any other point in the past, this basic desire to solve any and all confrontation with violent means is an innate facet of humanity that will not likely disappear anytime in the near future. The impacts of this permeation of violence is of course a society that continues to keep violence front and center within their own minds; sustaining it to a stature that it would otherwise not received. Whereas violence is a determinant aspect of human evolution and provide something of a historical recollection point through which confrontation can be solved, it must also be understood that different societies integrate with violence and different manners. It is arguable that the globalizing influence of Western media has gone a long way in negatively impacting the extent to which violence is represented within
Business venture to enter the UK supermarket market Coursework
Business venture to enter the UK supermarket market - Coursework Example As per initial estimates, the cost of setting up the new store to operational status will be ?20,000,000 and the company's cost of capital has been estimated at 5%. In order to bridge the financing gap between the project cost and the company's internal funds, a long term bank loan has been arranged. The following tables outlines the expected free cash flows that the company is expected to obtain from operations: Free Cash Flows Time line Years 1 - 3 Years 4 - 8 Year 8 onwards Yearly breakdown Receive ?1,000,000 for 3 years Grow @ 10% per year Grow @ 2% per year Aggregate amount ?3,000,000 ?5,105,100 ?73,205,000 Discounted to t = 0 ?56,158,034 After taking into consideration the initial outlay of ?20,000,000, the NPV of the project is ?36,158,034. This indicates that the business proposition of entering the UK grocery market is a financially viable and will lead to positive returns in the future. 2.2 Payback Criterion Payback criterion is used to calculate the time it takes for the c ash inflows of the project to offset the cash outflows and provide an estimate of the time it will take to recover an investment. Provided the maximum loan term tenor granted is ten years, the payback criterion gives us a time line of 14.47 years, which translates into a minimum repayment period of 14 years and 6 months. This is conditional on the yearly free cash flows being used in their entirety to fund the loan repayment. Therefore, despite the profitability of the project, the proposed means of financing is not ideal for such a project where the returns are mainly realized in the long term. 3. Key Risks and Mitigants 3.1 Loan Repayments As mentioned above, the payback period for the loan exceeds the maximum tenor available. As a possible solution, the... As mentioned above, the payback period for the loan exceeds the maximum tenor available. As a possible solution, the company can enter into a loan guarantee contract, whereby repayments are guaranteed by a third party. There will be a commission charged for this service, but provided that the company might be in need of future term loan arrangements, it is imperative that the loan repayments are made on schedule to avoid a negative impact on the company's credit history. Following upon the risk of taking out a loan to finance the business venture, there is the possibility of interest rate risk affecting the project. Given the uncertain and volatile nature of the current financial markets, changes in interest rates can affect the mark up payments the company will have to make, inadvertently affecting the cost of capital of the company. One way to offset this risk includes taking out a call option on the interest rate. This option will effectively put an upper cap on interest rate volatility and going forward will limit the losses accruing to the company resulting from a sudden rise in interest rates. Asdy will be operating in an industry which is highly susceptible to inflation risk, or risk owing to the rise in prices of retail products. Unexpected increase in inflation can have an impact on the dynamics of the UK consumer spending and affect the future cash inflows for the company.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Procurement management process Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Procurement management process - Assignment Example The paper gives emphasis on the procurement management process and has described the same with regard to REI. The procurement management process is defined as steps, which are required for purchasing or acquiring services or products from any source that is outside the limits of a firm or organization. The sources are external suppliers of the products. The procurement management includes maintaining good relationship with suppliers for ensuring that the organization is receiving high level of services. It assures that purchasers receive those goods, which they have paid for. The success of an organization depends on effectiveness of the procurement process and therefore, managers need to create plans for procuring goods and services, facilitating the reduction of cost and time of delivery. There are many fundamental steps in the process. At the initial stage, the procurement process depends on changes in technology, attitude and personnel. A positive method is needed to be adopted, which stresses on a satisfying relationship with the suppliers. Suppliers are regarded as the most critical component in the procurement process of any company. In case of any dispute with these suppliers, the organization is bound to suffer from unavailability of the required resources, which in turn heavily affects the entire production process. The company has donated millions of dollars for supporting the conservation efforts that they have undertaken worldwide. It sends dedicated teams for volunteering in activities across several places nationwide. The activities include restoring local habitats, cleaning up the beaches as well as building of trials. Therefore, through many business practices, the company has tried to reduce environmental damages that have been created by their actions (Recreational Equipment, Inc, 2014). The company, through its successful operation, has expanded their business
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Journal #8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Journal #8 - Essay Example These decisions are very fundamental to the way these players score goals. A neuroscientist from the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, argues that the process of scoring top goals by these players entails working with information quickly, and making accurate and timely decisions about the situation (Bhanoo 1). Researchers have also proved that more brain power can be seen in top soccer scorers by conducting standardized tests on different players. These tests were meant to assess and gauge rule making skills, creativity, and problem solving skills. The people who scores highest were the Swedish soccer players who belong to some of the most elite leagues. Players belonging to lower divisions followed. The non-players that underwent the test finished behind the top players and the players of lower divisions. The differences were notably huge. This led to the conclusion that strong brain executive functions are necessary for one to become a good player (Bhanoo 1). Bhanoo, Sindya A. More Brain Power Seen in Soccerââ¬â¢s Top Scorers. The New York Times 9 Apr. 2012. Web. 12 Apr. 2012.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Childcare studies (Working with Children) Assignment
Childcare studies (Working with Children) - Assignment Example The international desire to improve the quality of childcare and pre-school provisions has contributed a great deal in ensuring that children receive high quality education and childcare as they start their journey of life in educational set-ups (Shaw & Brewer 2012, pg 60). This paper will delve into details of the several provisions needed for childcare, the various types of environments and establishments relating to child development, the skills required as well as the training needed for the numerous childcare roles and working environments. There are various types of childcare and educational provisions. These provisions fall under both formal and informal sectors. These provisions include nursery education, playgroups, child-minders, crà ¨ches, pre-school, care homes, just to mention but a few. Nursery education is aimed at giving additional physical, social, emotional and cognitive support to children when they are outside the home. Nurseries are normally attended by children aged between two and five. These facilities are normally offered free of charge by Local Education Authorities (Dates 2004, pg. 54). However, if offered by private institutions or organizations then are subject to fees. Nursery schools are normally staffed by teachers who are trained. They are normally assisted by nursery nurses as well as other support staff comprising of volunteers, nursery and teaching assistants (Dallimore 2004, pg. 98). Pre-school is another provision offered to children. These facilities are usually attached to primary schools and are meant for children of ages four. Pre-schools are normally staffed by highly trained teachers and support staff. They are charged with the responsibility of preparing children for school (Laming 2003, pg. 43). It is important for children to attend pre-school before joining primary school since it gives them an insight of what to
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Business Management of Owning a Construction Company Essay Example for Free
Business Management of Owning a Construction Company Essay Owning a construction company requires good planning whereby the management puts several measures in place to ensure that a company performs well to generate enough money that aids it run its operations. Availability of surplus raw materials is one of the important factors to consider while managing a construction company. A construction firm should have enough laborers who offer services to customers and who work at the production stage. Running a construction company requires that the management come up with a good marketing strategy that allows the company to attract as many clients as possible to allow the organization generate enough income to carry out its activities effectively. Keeping records in an organized manner makes it easy for a construction company to make references and also to avoid loss of data. Managers who plan their activities wisely and accordingly in a construction company are in a better position of elevating the profit that the company generates and to improve the quality of goods and services that the firm offers. Definition of Important Concepts Management is a common term that this paper uses and it means to adopt effective measures as a leader that help to run an organization in an effective manner. The term construction is also common in this analysis and it means to come up with projects such as buildings, bridges and roads using qualified personnel. Counterarguments Even though raw materials are essential in the running of a construction company, some companies lack them due to poor management which in most cases leads to the fall of a business. Other construction companies lack enough laborers and this makes the available workers to strain with their work which in most cases lowers the outcome of construction companies. Lack of effective marketing strategy and lack of proper ways of record keeping also in many instances lead to the downfall of many construction companies because they are not able to generate sufficient income from different customers and they experience confusion respectively.This report makes use of an imaginary company by the name of Davis Construction firm to expound on the management of owning a construction company. As part of its activities, this construction firm produces building bricks from clay soil, produces celling boards that builders fit inside houses, and also hires professional masons and other construction desi gners to people or organizations that want to come up with buildings. To attain its goals, the management of Davis Construction firm must take into account several measure that will help it run its activities. Availability of Raw Materials First of all, the manager of this organization must ensure that there is a continuous flow of raw materials to enable the firm continue with its production. In this case, the essential raw materials that Davis Construction firm needs are clay soil to manufacture bricks, wood chips to manufacture celling board, and sufficient water to carry out the mixing process. Other raw materials that this organization needs to produce its goods include chemicals that it uses to carry out its production. A good manager will carry out a research on the best places to acquire the raw materials so that the firms does not experience delays in its production process. To ensure a steady supply of raw materials in a construction firm, managers should have more than one source of suppliers who deliver raw materials to the company. Having more than one source of supplier who supply the same product is important because this allows a company to carry out its activities continuously not to inconvenience customers. In many instances, unreliable suppliers make business managers to consider alternative ways getting raw materials to carry out an organizationââ¬â¢s activities (Alonso, 2007, p. 3). Another way in which the manager of this company and any other construction company can ensure constant availability of raw materials is by establishing nearby sites that generate enough raw materials to run the activities of an organization. For example, to have a constant supply of water, the manager can hire professionals to come and dig boreholes that will provide surplus water to the firm at a much cheaper cost. Availability of Workers Effective management of a construction company calls for hiring enough laborers who help in running the organizationââ¬â¢s activities. A wise manager will therefore, put measures to ensure that the laborers share work equally and that they do not strain while carrying out their activities. The laborers in a construction firm should fall into several sections where each worker partakes in the activity of his specialization. By each worker taking part in the activities of his specialization, a construction firm will attain accuracy in all the goods it produces and all the services it offers. To get laborers of sufficient knowledge to carry out their activities, the management of Davis Construction Firm should carry out a test while recruiting laborers after ascertaining their credentials. Even though it is a common occurrence in many countries that construction activities attract workers with low educational level (ILO, 2001, p. 12), it is important for managers to hire workers with high qualification to do their job perfectly so as to come up with products and services that satisfy customersââ¬â¢ needs. The management should ensure that workers get sufficient training to enable them carry out their duties with preciseness. As a way of improving the technical skills of their workers, managers should organize educative seminars where other professionals offer theoretical and practical knowledge to the workers. Good managers take the initiative of helping technicians who show great ability in their duties attain further training and also to serve as motivation to the co ntractors. Managers in a construction company should also take their workers to tour different construction firms because if they fail to do this, it will be impossible to compete favorably with other construction firms. Marketing Strategies A construction company should adopt effective marketing strategies that allows it to reach customers from different geographical regions. After intense research about marketing strategies, managers in construction companies such as Davies Construction Firm should come up with a suitable way of marketing the goods and services that the firm offers. To effectively reach customers from different regions, managers who run construction firms should adopt reliable channels such as the internet and publications because these two are able to carry so much information about a company and are also able to transmit information within a very short time. Enhanced technology has improved communication and marketing which has positive effect on inter-organizational relationship and communication (Avlonitis Karayanni, 2000, p. 442). Managers in a construction firms should appoint certain people with the right qualification to manage the companyââ¬â¢s website and to attend to customersââ¬â¢ ne eds. In a business organization, it is important for managers to create a customersââ¬â¢ department wing to improve the quality of services and to build a long-term relationship with the customers (Rust, Moorman, Bhalla, 2010, p. 5). Record Keeping Managers who run construction companies should adopt better ways of storing vital information. Good forms of record keeping enable construction companies to make necessary reference whenever conflicts or discrepancies occur. For example, Davis Construction Firm can adopt better ways of record keeping by using computers that are able to store large amount of data for a very long time. People in charge of electronically storing data must be very keen in their activities to ensure that the information stays for a long time without getting lost (Trace, 2002, p. 138). Managers in a construction firm should also adopt a way of keeping records that is easy to retrieve information. Some of the advisable ways of keeping records in a manner that is easy to retrieve include using alphabetical orders, storing records according to the subject and keeping records in accordance to urgency. Conclusion Managers who run construction firms should take the initiative of helping the company attain its goals. As part of their management duties, managers should be able to come up with ways that ensures a constant and sufficient supply of raw materials to enable the firm carry out production of goods and services continuously. A manager should also be able to ensure that a construction firm has enough workers who help in carrying out the activities of a company in accordance to their area of specialty. Coming up with an effective marketing strategy helps to reach customers from different regions and therefore, be able to generate enough money for the construction firm. Above all, a manager in a construction firm needs to device effective methods of storing vital information about past and current operations of a construction firm. References Alonso, E., et al. (2007). Material availability and the supply chain: Risks, effects, and responses. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Avlonitis, G., Karayanni, D. (2000). The impact of internet use on business-to-business marketing: Examples from American and European companies. Industrial marketing management 29(4) 441-459. International Labor Organization, ILO. (2001). The construction industry in the twenty-first century: Its image, employment prospects and skill requirements. Geneva. Rust, R., Moorman, C., Bhalla, G. (2010). Rethinking marketing. Harvard Business Review. Trace, B., C. (2002). What is recorded is never simply ââ¬Ëwhat happenedââ¬â¢: Record keeping in Modern organizational culture. Archival Science 2(7), is Recorded is Never Simply What Happened: Record Keeping in Modern Organizational Culture Source document
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Story of an Hour Essay Example for Free
The Story of an Hour Essay The Story of an Hourâ⬠by Kate Chopin is about a woman named Mrs. Mallard, who learns that her just died in an accident. As I continued to read the story I learned that Mrs. Mallard, was not your ordinary grieving widow, she is actually somewhat happy of the news of her husbandââ¬â¢s death. Chopin uses symbolism and irony to show readers the world through Mrs. Mallardââ¬â¢s eyes. Symbolism was a strong term in the story, mainly because Chopin uses symbols in many of her paragraphs. Also the author uses irony to get readers to understand why she is so happy that she is free of her husband. The two literary elements that are prevalent in the story is symbolism and irony because Chopin uses them the most to create different feelings in the readersââ¬â¢ minds. In the ââ¬Å" Story of an Hourâ⬠Chopin uses symbolism as much as she can throughout the story. The symbolism begins when Chopin says ââ¬Å" the delicious breath of rain was in the airâ⬠(23). I believe this means she is about to start a new life, and that she can finally start living for herself. Another example, is ââ¬Å" there stood facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchairâ⬠(23). The open window symbolizes being open to change; the adjectives roomy and comfortable symbolizes a feeling of being embraced, a feeling of love and security. While looking through the window Chopin describes other symbols such as: The warm weather which suggest life rather then the cold of winter that symbolizes death. I believe the quote ââ¬Å" were all quiver with the new spring lifeâ⬠(23), symbolizes a new life to come, or maybe something new and exciting was about to happen in her life. The setting of a ââ¬Å" delicious breath of rainâ⬠in the air refers to the calmness and quietness after the storm (23). I believe Chopin uses that to refer to Mr. Mallardââ¬â¢s death and the new life she will have now that she is free of him. Another thing outside the window are the ââ¬Å" singing of birdsâ⬠and ââ¬Å" the distant song of someone who was singing (23). This symbolizes a feeling of relief that she is finally free of her husband, almost as if a burden has been lifted from her shoulders. In the story, Mrs. Mallard is described as being ââ¬Å" a fair, calm faceâ⬠(23), symbolizing beauty and innocence. I believe Chopin used the symbols in an underlying way to give the readers a feeling empathy for Mrs. Mallard. In ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠this is much irony used throughout the story. Irony is first detected in the way Mrs. Mallard reacts to the death of her husband. Instead of reacting like a typical grieving widow, she accepts it and wants to be alone in her room, where she visualizes her life being better off without him rather than missing him. Another example, of irony is when Mrs. Mallard whispers, ââ¬Å" free, free, freeâ⬠(23). But as the story continues, we learn that ironically she really isnââ¬â¢t free because Mr. Mallard didnââ¬â¢t die after all. Another thing that is ironic is when the doctors say she died of the ââ¬Å"joy that killsâ⬠(24). In reality the doctors are correct, but they donââ¬â¢t understand what joy actually killed her, it wasnââ¬â¢t the joy of her husband being alive, but rather that she was finally able to live her life without him. The recognized irony in the story was the fact that Mrs. Mallard was excited about her new life, but ironically she only gets to enjoy her new life for an hour before she dies. In closing, Chopin uses symbolism and irony to get the readers to understand the underlying message that she was trying to get across. Symbolism and irony are two very important literary elements because they provide the story with incite and heighten the readers expectations and interest throughout the story. I feel that Chopin did a very good job in implementing irony and symbolism into the story especially when trying to get the readers to view the world through Mrs. Mallardââ¬â¢s eyes and to describe her state of being regarding her husbandââ¬â¢s death.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Management Of Pizza Hut Incorporates Commerce Essay
The Management Of Pizza Hut Incorporates Commerce Essay This report on analysis of management of Pizza Hut would not have been possible without the kind support and help of the management. We take this opportunity to express a deep sense of our gratitude to all of them for their cordial support, valuable information and guidance, which helped us in completing this task through various stages. We also take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to our Instructor and Mentor Ms. Shagufta Rafif for her exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this report.Ã Table of Contents SCOPE OF THE REPORT This report on the management of Pizza Hut incorporates and analyzes different aspects of planning, organizing, influencing and controlling. Where necessary, the distinctive areas have been examined with the support of different management tools, models and techniques. The report also evaluates growing trends in the restaurant business with special focus on the challenges Pizza Hut is faced with. It also assesses the strengths of the business and how it has been able to survive in this recessionary era, where many restaurant businesses are making heavy losses. A special focus has also been given on the goals setting, goals congruence and the management approaches to address the growing market competition. Staff retention, professionalization and their well being has also been critically evaluated in this report with bringing to light the areas, where the staff input, ownership and empowerment have been accepted and given due weightage. Products sustainability with special promotions and usage of other medium for marketing has also found space in this report to highlight potentials threats and hidden opportunities available to Pizza Hut management in this sector. Underpinning the supply chain and contribution to the society as a whole by the management of Pizza Hut has also been focused. MISSION STATEMENT Though making pizzas and selling them is our business, however we always feel proud to make a perfect pizza. We also emphasis in provide caring and useful services to our customers so that when they go out, they always wish to come back. Our staff members are also proud of having us as their employers. They would prefer to work with us rather than joining any other organization. The reasons being simple, we look for their well being, provide them with opportunities for their development and they are rewarded in great manner making them feel honored and privileged. While taking care of all above things, we are also mindful of the value we add to our shareholders, who place their confidence in our competencies of making profits. VISION OF PIZZA HUT We never believe in mediocrity. We believe that in this highly competitive market, only those survive which produce everything that is best. Best not only in terms of product, but best in terms of quality of services provided, the best in terms of the environment and ambience of the restaurants, the best in terms of business, the best in terms of network and franchise and above all the best for all those who tend to visit our restaurants. Pizza Hut logo.svg EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ever since the industrialization began, many businesses have seen ups and downs. There has been history of many products making their way to the consumers home through markets and fading overtime with the invention of new technology or becoming extinct for other reasons. The food industry and restaurant business also saw this upheaval in the last century. However, in last few decades, this business has seen a tremendous rise with many world famous brand restaurants mushrooming the big and small cities of the world. During that era of prosperity, Pizza Hut was established by PepsiCo in 1977, an American chain. The company owned it till 1997, when it was sold to Yum! Brands, Inc., which also owns the restaurant chains of KFC and Taco Bell. As per latest report, there are 6,000 Pizza Hut restaurants in the United States, whereas, 5,150 restaurants are in other countries of the world. In Karachi, the company has 21 restaurants, whereas, there are another 20 restaurants in other cities of Pakistan, bringing the total numbers to 41. Pizza Hut, as its name suggests is popular for selling Pizza of different flavors (Chicken Tikka flavor is Pakistans most demanded product), however , alongside pizza, it also sells Pastas, Salad, Chicken Wings, Breadsticks, Garlic Bread and Beverages. There are different formats adopted for the restaurants designs. We can find a restaurant where all varieties are available with options of dine in, take away or home delivery. However, in our own city, we can find some outlets just offering take away options. In these outlets, we may not find all the varieties due to limited space and staff. As mentioned above, the Pizza Hut owning company also has KFC and Taco Bell, so in some parts of the world (not in Pakistan), these sibling restaurants are co-located. We can find Pizza Hut restaurants in middle class even in lower class localities. They can be found in college campuses, food courts of shopping malls and some big stores like Target and Walmart. Yum! Brands has been frontrunner in fulfilling its social responsibilities. It has invested in many educational, social and health sectors, thus playing its part in reducing poverty, malnutrition and illiteracy in the world. It has also established Yum Foundation, through which many donor funded programs are undertaken. The group is not oblivious of its responsibilities of providing pollution free environment and has given it due importance and emphasis by devoting financial resources. In Pakistan, the franchiser of Pizza Hut invests in education sector of the country. In previous year floods, the franchiser not only provided donation to the affected people but allowed to use its outlets for donation collection. Many times, the Edhi Foundation has also used Pizza Hut restaurants for collecting donation. The board of Directors of Yum! Brands has an unambiguous policy of designing their restaurants in such a manner that they not only ensure environment sustainability but proving to be a source of income generation of other small traders of the area and vicinity. In restaurant business, the customers are always king and every effort is made at Pizza Hut to satisfy the customer requirements and the complaints are addressed on the spot. Apart from customer satisfaction, Pizza Hut is also a proud employer of thousands of employees in Pakistan and across the globe. It has always invested in developing professional skills of their staff and has given honor and dignity to them, which is perhaps not available in small restaurant businesses. We can see the way employees of small restaurants are treated and the remuneration they receive in exchange of their services. The employees of Pizza Hut feel proud becoming part of an International chain, which has inculcated teamwork and responsibility in them to strive for better services and thus in end getting satisfied customers, willing to come again and again. Pizza Hut has contributed greatly in shape of taxes to the government. It has provided jobs to thousands of employees and suppliers, who provide food related materials to these restaurants on a daily basis. The presence of these restaurants in different parts of the city and country ensures that small suppliers like chicken merchants, vegetable sellers have become partner in the business, which creates more jobs and opportunities for these businesses. It contributes to the supply chain in a greater way with sustainability of the systems at forefront. Pizza Hut has maintained high ethical standards and has never compromised on quality materials being used in its various products and quality services being provided to the customers. It is also mindful of its responsibilities to the shareholders and follows good corporate governance policies which endure lasting impacts on the society in which it operates. PLANNING Planning is the process of determining how the system will achieve its objectives. It is the systematic development of action, program aimed at reaching agreed business objectives by the process of analyzing, evaluating and selecting among the opportunities which are foreseen. While making plans the management of PIZZA HUT has been cognizant of their missions, goals, strategies, policies etc. as elaborated below. PIZZA HUT OBJECTIVES IN PLANNING Making perfect pizza Provision of courteous and helpful services to the customers Offering opportunities to growth, advancement and rewarding careers in a fun safe working environment. Working for profit maximization. Providing the shareholders with value growth The major objective of Pizza Hut is to achieve customer satisfaction which can be made possible by achieving the objectives of the company. If the company is successful in achieving its objectives, they will themselves make their customers pleased and satisfied. As the key product of Pizza Hut is pizza, the first and foremost objective of Pizza Hut is to make a perfect pizza and manage to achieve customer satisfaction. Pizza Hut has always strived hard to provide people with such meals that they find irresistible and which are allowed in their religions and cultures. Time to time new deals are being offered to the customers to achieve customer satisfaction Demographics are always kept in mind before experimenting with a new kind of pizza, as it is the people who have to like the product and help the company in increasing their sales. The second objective of Pizza Hut is to provide courteous and valuable services to its customers. Pizza Hut ensures that their staff is trained enough to know how to treat their customers. They are trained to be friendly and well mannered. If a customer complaint is received, the staff is always told to believe in whatever the customer says and then solve the problem accordingly. Doing this makes the customer delighted by the services that are provided to them, wanting them to come to Pizza Hut the next time as well. If one customer is satisfied that one will bring hundred customers along with him and if one is dissatisfied that one will take away hundred customers. Briefing sessions are also held each day in which the staff members are given briefing about what they did well in the whole day and what are the things that they need to improve. The objectives and the strategies to reach those objectives are also told to them each day, to make them work accordingly. Third objective of Pizza Hut is to provide its staff member opportunities for progress and development together with a secure working environment. In-house training sessions are also organized for the staff members. The staff also sees their career path and growth within the organization and they also put all their energies in making organization possible to achieve its targets. Since goals achieved by the organization will finally result in growth of the staff as well. Although, we can see slumps in many industries but food industry is probably the only industry which has seen growth in recession period and is flourishing. This is all because of the dedication and sincerity of the staffs, who are encouraged and kept motivated. A safe and healthy working environment is also provided to them to make sure that they are happy enough to ensure the companys progress, as if the employees are happy with what is provided to them they will always work hard to achieve the objectives of the com pany. In order to make them happy, they are given incentives such as bonuses, meals, cash rewards etc as well. The fourth objective of Pizza Hut is profit maximization and giving their stakeholders (government, owners, customers, supplier, employees etc) significant growth. The Company does all the things mentioned above in order to maximize their profit and make their market standing better. Attaining all these objectives and making the customers satisfied will make the company earn profits. The fifth and final objective is to provide value growth to its shareholders. If a company is making profit, the ultimate gainers are its shareholders alongside the community in which it operates and similar is true for Pizza Hut. Many of its restaurants across the city and country are making a sizeable profit, which is adding value growth to its shareholders, who have reposed confidence in the corporate governance of Pizza Hut. MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVE (MBO) IN PIZZA HUT Management by Objectives refers to the mutual agreement of managers and subordinates over companys objectives. In a given time, it is expected the objectives to be achieved and those who have contributed greatly in the attainment of these objectives, should be rewarded. In Pizza Hut weekly meetings of the managers are held on a regular basis and sub ordinates are also invited in the meeting to give their input and feedback of the outcomes of previous meetings. The plans and other modus operandi are discussed for implementation and they are monitored on a daily basis. The suggestions and observations of the staff, mainly the Front of House staff, are highly appreciated. The staff is encouraged to put forward their suggestions for the improvement of services being provided and the food being served. Moreover if the staff members perform well in achieving the objectives, they are rewarded with recognition, cash rewards, bonuses etc. Pizza Hut gives them recognition by announcing employe e of the week. The picture of that employee is sent to the area and regional offices which helps in making a good image of the employee in front of the senior staff. As the decisions regarding the goals of the company are made by both managers and subordinates by stating ideas which are later listed and evaluated, thus, we can say that the strategy that Pizza Hut uses for making decisions is Brainstorming. Internal Environmental Scanning Pizza Hut has grown into a stature of big restaurant chain in a very short period of time. Proper planning, monitoring, ensuring availability of adequate resources, timely corrective measures and quality food services have contributed greatly to its rise in already very competitive market. Strength The Pizza Hut brand is widely known all over the world and has its outlets in many countries. The market standing of Pizza Hut is very high. Whenever a person thinks of eating pizza, Pizza Hut is the first name that comes into ones mind. The greatest strength of Pizza Hut comes from inside. The highly skilled labor is professionally trained with emphasis on quality services. Detailed job descriptions of the staff, career growth ladder, top down goals attainment policy of the management and governance are a few of the contributing factors in the success story of Pizza Hut. Needless to mention the main focus has always been customer satisfaction. The management always strives to do whatever is possible so that when the customers go out they not only are satisfied with the food, environment, services etc but they become Pizza Huts ambassadors and recommend others to their products. In-house training sessions are organized for the staff members. They are kept informed about different achievements through news bulletin. High performers are rewarded every month and their names and designations are considered for special increments and promotions. There are many ways of rewarding front of house (FOH) staff members like giving them cash rewards, free meals or deploying them on hot tables where customers prefer to sit more likely. Pizza Hut has played its due role with respect to CSR. Ensuring pollution free environment, contributing to the communities and societies in the projects of education, health and taking part in alleviating poverty in the areas, where they operate, are some of the achievements, Pizza Hut is proud of. Being an international brand they also have strong financial resources as the materials used by Pizza Hut in making pizza are not local, as used by other pizza making companies. As Pizza Hut is a multinational company and the materials that it uses comes from outside Pakistan and is fresh and healthy for its customers. Pizza Hut also offers free home delivery together with online delivery for its customers who wish to consume pizzas at their own place. Due to this the people who dont want to go out for dine-in can have pizzas from Pizza Hut, rather than opting for some other restaurant, within 30 minutes free of the costs of home delivery. Although Pizza Hut is famous for pizzas, however, it also offers desserts, beverages, salads, pastas etc. for its customers. Other than that it has a variety of flavors in pizzas as well. Some flavors that it puts forward are seasonal like Double Masti, whereas some continue throughout the year. Weakness No company can be perfect or remain perfect vis-Ã -vis its goals and objectives. As the goals evolve so do the companies as the time passes by. Pizza Hut has also experienced slums in its business due to following weaker policies. In Pakistan, where local restaurants have also entered into the pizza selling business with much cheaper prices and with more varieties, Pizza Hut has stuck to its prices robustly and offers very limited promotional deals to its customers. As a result, in many areas after making huge losses, it had to close its outlets only to move to more posh areas. Although, there are varieties of other items available for sale in Pizza Hut restaurants, however, the hot selling item is pizzas and salads. Despite best efforts and reward policy to its staff, the management has not been able to increase the sales of pastas, desserts and beverages. External Environmental Scanning Opportunities Unlike local restaurant businesses, due to its global presence, Pizza Hut has always got edge over other local and international restaurants chains. It has got thousands of restaurants around the world, serving millions of customers every day with same variety of food. This hallmark of Pizza Hut, no matter which locality, city or country it is located, the quality of food and the ambience of the restaurant is always fascinating and captivating. The aroma which comes out of the serving food has no match with other pizza selling restaurants. This uniqueness of Pizza Hut has always found it most demanding restaurant when it comes to eating pizzas. Threats Like all businesses, Pizza Hut is threatened with the arrival of other competitors. The competitors not only offer products cheaper in prices but the quality of the products has also been up to the mark. Another area which poses challenges to Pizza Hut is law order situation of the city particularly and the country generally. The sectarian violence has affected the revenue of Pizza Hut greatly and its restaurants, which are located in middle class localities and are the worst sufferers. Pizza Hut also focuses on PEST (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological) to check the demographics based on which they can decide which product should be given more emphasis and which deal should be discontinued. PEST (POLITICAL, ECONOMICAL, SOCIAL, TECHNOLOGICAL) POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT The worsening law order situation in the city particularly and the country generally has greatly affected all businesses and Pizza Hut is no exception. Sectarian clashes, bomb blasts and strikes have all played their role in declining revenue for Pizza Hut. Many restaurants of Pizza Hut, which are in sensitive localities have registered poor financial results mainly due to less number of customers visiting them, late night deals are rendered of no use and even due to lack of transport, the staff members cannot reach their restaurants. Due to poor law order situation, the customers prefer to have home delivery, however, the city situation again becomes hindrance and delivery staff find it difficult to reach the customers homes. ECONOMICAL ENVIRONMENT If a country is developed than its economy will be good and the per capita income of the people will be high. As a result people will spend more money on food items and other products. In our study we came to know that since the products of Pizza Hut are comparatively expensive, people of average income occasionally visit their restaurants. Further, due to ever growing popularity of pizza among the Pakistani people, more international and local chains of restaurants have opened these services like Pizza Point, Pizza Next, Pizza One, Largesse etc. and are available on very cheaper prices. Although quality of the ingredients used by other competitors is debatable however because of low prices, they have given tough competition to Pizza Hut. The management of Pizza Hut is aware of this and has taken measures to counter them by offering deals and midnight packages. They also sell pizza coupons offering economical deals with buy one get one free options. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT The management of Pizza Hut is also mindful of social environment of our country. Every person has his own value, religion, belief which is always dear to him. While offering services to its valued customers, Pizza Hut has always taken note of it and has desisted from offering such services which may offend or hurt the feelings of their customers whether they be religious, cultural or any other. Demography of the population in which the restaurants operate is also very important, like in Pakistan, chicken tikka flavor is very popular since people like to dine out for barbeque and if that flavor is available in pizza or burgers, people love to give them a try. Pizza Hut has managed itself very well in this respect and has assimilated itself quickly in the Pakistani culture. Before opening a restaurant, a thorough survey is undertaken to identify the demography of the population living in the area, income bracket in which it falls, eating habits and how frequently they go out for dinin g and which dishes they usually prefer for dine-outs. Based on the results and final conclusion, a decision is taken for opening of restaurant or otherwise. TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT Like the effectiveness of technology in other areas, it has a great impact on the Pizza Hut running. It has state of the art equipment like baking ovens, IT devices etc. It is ensured that an order placed at any restaurant does not take more than 20 minutes to be served for dine-in and 30 minutes for home delivery. In some selected areas, an online service for ordering pizza has also started and yielding good results for the management. Business Portfolio Analysis Star (Pizza Salad) Question Mark (Drinks) Cash Cow (Sides Desserts) Dogs (Pasta) High Market Growth Low High Relative Market Share Low Star: Star is the position where the market growth and the market share of a product are high. In case of Pizza Hut, pizza and salad are at this position. They both have a good market standing and their demand has highly increased within no time. Pizza Hut offers pizzas of different flavors preferred by a lot of people, whereas salads are also popular among people and are consumed in the time when they are waiting for their main courses to be served. Cash Cows: Cash Cow is the ideal position where the market share of a product is high but its market growth is low. Sides and desserts of Pizza Hut have a high share but are not preferred by a lot of people. They are not popular among masses, however, as they have a good market share; growth is possible by making a few changes and modifying the products according to the needs of the customers Question Mark: Question Mark is the position where the market growth of a product is high but its market share is low. Beverages offered in Pizza Hut most appropriately fit in this position as they are preferred by people when offered to them as part of a deal but otherwise they are not the ideal choice of the customers who come to Pizza Hut. The sales of these items can be increased by increasing their market share. Dog: Dog is the position where both the market share and market growth of a product are low. Pastas offered by Pizza Hut very much fit into this position as Pizza Hut does not offer large variety of pastas, nor does it invest large capital to improve its product. In order to make the sales of pastas high, Pizza Hut should divert some of its revenue generated from pizzas and salads towards pastas and present larger varieties of it, thereby increasing its market share which will result in its growth as well. INCREASING THE SALES OF A PRODUCT Pizza Hut encourages its workers to increase the sales of those products which are not doing good business by giving them duty at the hot tables as a reward. These are the tables where the customers are most likely to sit. It even gives cash reward to the staff who works hard in increasing the sales of such product. The staff members are given salary bonuses as well for accomplishing this task. Product cycle Every product goes through at least five phases of its evolution. First phase is called introduction phase, where the product is produced and marketed for consumption. This introduction phase is always important. If the product gets approval of the consumers, it goes through second phase of growth. Which means since the demand is increasing the supply will increase which will result in growth of the product. In third phase the very same product reaches at maturity level. Every producer wants to see his product reaching this level, as at this level the profit maximization is very high and product becomes a star for the manufacturer. After this level the product goes through saturation phase. At this stage most of the consumers would have used this product and hence it reaches at a saturation level. It also implies that further demand for the product is not possible due to various reasons. No manufacturer or producer will want its product to reach at this phase. In order to defend the product reaching this stage, they bring in innovations in the product and if this is not possible then they introduce another product, which again start the cycle as mentioned above. After saturation phase, the products decline starts and it is considered as dogs according to business portfolio analysis. Introduction Growth Maturity Saturation Decline Introduction One of recently introduced products PZone can be put at introduction stage. The demand for the product at this time is very low, however, the management of Pizza Hut is very optimistic about the product gaining popularity in the coming days. Growth Recently, Pizza Hut management has also focused on increasing the sale of its sides desserts. They have also made it part of their promotional deals like garlic bread is now available with many deals. They are expecting that this will increase the sales of sides and desserts in a big way and thus their profitability margin. Maturity Pizzas of different varieties and salads are their most selling items and can easily be plotted at maturity phase. The management of Pizza Hut is continuously striving to keep this product at this stage for all the time, because this is the most revenue generating item and if this fails, the company will fail itself. Saturation Drinks can be plotted at saturation stage, since a very few customers buy drinks. Drinks are part of many deals and one does not feel need to buy extra drinks while dinning in. Decline Sale of pasta can be described as reaching decline stage. Rarely a customer comes who demands for pasta. Although many efforts at Pizza Hut are made to increase the sale of pasta, however, it seems that this product has reached its decline stage and may not stage a comeback. The management will need to introduce another product similar to pasta to attract customers. ORGANIZING Followed by planning, the organizing is the second most important function of management system. It is a function in which the combinations of human, physical and financial resources all bring to gather the desired results. They all are equally important and absence of anyone can put adverse effects on the results. According to Chester Bernand, Organizing is a function by which the concern is able to define the role of positions, the jobs related and the co-ordination between authority and responsibility. Organizing function is performed by following steps: Identification of activities Departmentally organizing the activities Classifying the authority Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships Importance Organizing plays an important and central role in management system. In organizing process, it is the manager who uses his skills to utilize the organizational resources efficiently. Primary mechanism managers use to activate plans Maintains relationship between all organizational resources. Division of work Growth and diversification Sense of security Establish formal lines of authority The things are executed by different managers. All these managers ensure that whatever work is being done in the company is to achieve the companys objectives. Organizing at Pizza Hut As Pizza Hut is a multi-national company, it has to focus more on organizing. At Pizza Hut, management organizes all its resources in order to implement the course of action it determines in the planning process. Through the process of getting organized, the management determines the internal organizational structure; establishes and maintains relationships and allocates necessary resources. Organizational Structure Pizza Hut has built an integrated executive-level structure and process to assess, guide and oversee Pizza Huts worldwide activities. The company is engaged in a number of internal and external stakeholders along the way and will continue to engage additional stakeholders as the company moves forward in the journey. Pizza Hut will continue to refine their structure as needed, as well as the ways in which Pizza Hut measures progress against the objectives, to enhance their capabilities and effectiveness. According to the Organization Chart of the company, there is Restaurant Support Centre under which comes departments like HR, Marketing, Finance and Property and Field Operations, which runs the restaurants. Departmentalization Role of Human Resource The Human Resource department deals with the management within the organization. There are number of responsibilities that the HR department has to deal with. At first, the HR department of Pizza Hut is responsible for hiring members of staff which will involve attracting more employees, assigning them their positions and ensuring that the employees will perform the task. HR department of Pizza Hut is also responsible for organizing the people in entire company and also sets the day to day goals for the organization. Role of Marketing Department The role of Marketing Department of Pizza H
Monday, August 19, 2019
Alphagan P Essays -- Drugs, Treating Glaucoma
There has been a new step in science leading towards evolution. Alphagan P has been recognized as the next leading pharmaceutical in treating Glaucoma. It is gentle to the ocular surface, unlike other medications which can harm it. Alphagan P provides IOP lowering which is comparable to beta blocker, but is without the adverse affects that most other medications cause. It is an alpha-2 agonist, which is a class of drugs that bind to and stimulate alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, causing responses comparable to those of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Alphagan was first introduced in 1996. The latest generation of ââ¬Å"adrenergic agonistâ⬠is thrity times more selective for alpha 2 receptors than apraclonidine. Because of its selectivity, it does not include the alpha 1 side effects that affect the heart and blood pressure. The most significant side effects are drowsiness, a dry mouth, and fatigue. There is also surface irritation, with about ââ¬Å"7 to 15 percent of patients experiencing allergic conjunctivitis. Alphagan has stayed popular since it first came out despite its side effects. What should you know about Alphagan P before using it? Make sure to not use brimonidine ophthalmic (Alphagan P) if you have used an MAO inhibitor such as isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), rasagiline (Azilect), selegiline (Eldepryl, Emsam), or tranylcypromine (Parnate) within the past 2 weeks. Inform your doctor if you have kidney or liver disease, heart disease, circulation problems such as Raynaud's or Buerger's disease, high blood pressure, have a history of fainting or low blood pressure. Make sure to not use the medication if you use contact lenses because the medication contains a preservative that can be absorbed by soft contact lenses. If ... ...wing through with their education. Studies are now being done to further investigate this occurrence. Although Alphagan P has a list of adverse reactions reported, it is still the most used medication used to treat patients with Glaucoma. Many clinical studies have been done on the drug since it came out in 1996, and further enhancements have been made since. Works Cited Osborne, S., Montgomery, D., Morris, D., & McKay, I. (2005). Alphagan allergy may increase the propensity for multiple eye-drop allergy. Eye, 19(2), 129-137. doi:10.1038/sj.eye.6701441 Bowman, R. C., Cope, J. J., & Nischal, K. K. (2004). Ocular and systemic side effects of brimonidine 0.2% eye drops (Alphaganà ®) in children. Eye, 18(1), 24-26. doi:10.1038/sj.eye.6700520 ALPHAGAN P: THE NEXT STEP IN THE EVOLUTION OF GLAUCOMA THERAPY. (2003). Review of Ophthalmology, 10(9), 8.
My Educational Philosophy :: My Philosophy of Education
My Educational Philosophy Most people would say that what prompted them to become a teacher was a teacher that they had connected with and inspired them. I never really had this opportunity of aspiring to be like someone who has impacted my life. I never had a teacher that stood out to me or really tried to connect with me. Therefore, I suppose my explanation to want become a teacher is quite the opposite of the typical explanation. I donââ¬â¢t want to become like any of the teachers I had throughout my elementary and high school career; I want to be the opposite. I want to make sure children in future generations have someone to write about when they are writing a paper such as this one. When someone asks them, ââ¬Å"What drove you to keep trying?â⬠or, ââ¬Å"What helped you succeed in school?â⬠I want them to be able to say, ââ¬Å"My teacher believed in me, thatââ¬â¢s what.â⬠I want my students to know that they can do anything. From assuring them that they can do better on the test, to helping them discover themselves and grow into confident, thriving members of society. I believe that students must first gain knowledge and then apply it. I will help them use their knowledge by giving them activities that coincide with the curriculum I am teaching them. I believe that students learn best by being engaged in real-world activities and should be active in the learning process. I hope that my classroom will be a place where my students and I can learn from each other and teach each other. I hope to learn from my students as they learn from me. My curriculum will be based on the necessity of the student. If a student needs or wants to learn something, I will teach it to him or her. My curriculum will consist of individual evaluation. I will adjust the way I teach to the way the students in my classroom learn. I believe that most students naturally want to learn and experience new things. Curiosity is a natural human characteristic. Students who want to learn want to be involved in their learning. This is why teachers must construct ways to engage students in the subject matter. This type of teaching would include opportunities for ââ¬Å"hands-onâ⬠learning and activities requiring group work. I feel real-life examples help the students see the relevance of the material and group work will give my students valuable social and communication skills.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Free Tempest Essays: The Comic Sub-plot :: Shakespeare The Tempest
The Importance of the Comic Sub-plot in The Tempest à The comic sub-plot has various uses for the play. It brings light relief&ndash without it, it would be a very dramatic play, if not boring. As because Prospero controls the whole island we know that nothing can really happen that he doesn&rsquot want to, so the play is lacking tension and the comic sub-plot prevents it from being a very boring play. Drunkness is amusing anyway, they fall about and say stupid things which is entertaining for us, plus this is Caliban's first drink and we recognise the feelings he expresses for this&lsquo celestial liquor&rsquo and makes it all the more funny. That Caliban sees these two fools as kings also makes it amusing&ndash&lsquo I prithee, be my God&rsquo as Trinculo says&lsquo A most ridiculous monster, to make a wonder of a poor drunkard!&rsquo. When he sees what they are later he is disgusted with himself&ndash&lsquo What a thrice-double ass Was I, to take this drunkard for a god, And worship this dull fool!&rsquo à As well as providing humour, this trust of Caliban&rsquos echoes his former trust for Prospero. He hasn&rsquot learned from when Prospero turned on him, his naà ¯vety shows through his trust and adoration of the wine. Through the&lsquo aside&rsquo comments of Trinculo and Stephano we know they are using and teasing him. Its in this situation we feel almost sorry for Caliban, this&lsquo abhorred slave&rsquo, this&lsquo demi-devil&rsquo is still very trusting and doesn&rsquot he have reason to hate Prospero? He is an animal, with animal instincts and cannot be trained otherwise. Though Prospero is understandably angry that he tried&lsquo to violate the honour&rsquo of Miranda, but he is overly harsh with him. The sub-plot shows us how Caliban is trusting yet again, and we can see how affectionate he would have been to Prospero when he first arrived on the island, and how understandably bitter he would be when his master turned on him. à This is an echo of the theme of usurpation, Prospero usurped from his dukedom, Caliban usurped from his island&ndash Prospero tries to get his dukedom back and Caliban tries to get his island back at the first opportunity. It would seem at the end that justice has prevailed, forgiveness over vengeance, good over evil, but really just Prospero has prevailed, he successfully usurped and successfully got un-usurped. Caliban is shown as the most naà ¯ve of the three, but he is the cleverest. He knows Prospero&rsquos power is in his books, he knows that the robes Stephano and Trinculo are duped by are&lsquo but trash&rsquo and above all he speaks some of the most beautiful poetry of the play.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Primary Healthcare Services Rural Seniors Health And Social Care Essay
One of the most dramatic demographic tendencies in the universe today is the ripening of the population: an addition in the proportion of senior citizens relative to the young person and working age population. The grounds for this tendency are frequently complex. Some of the grounds could be the enormous impact of the babe boomer coevals, additions in life anticipation, alterations in birthrate forms and for many geographical locations, emigration of the younger members of society. This population alteration is apparent in rural Canada where there is a higher ratio of seniors to youth. With this alteration in composing of the rural population, the demands for services are increasing ; in peculiar, primary wellness attention services are particularly of import for senior citizens in rural countries. This includes more focal point on bar and intervention of common diseases and hurts, basic exigency services and wellness publicity. In this essay, I will be analysing Canada ââ¬Ës agi ng population, primary wellness attention services, enterprises taken by LHIN ââ¬Ës in Ontario to undertake the issue and besides European schemes. Canada ââ¬Ës Aging Population Canada faces important ripening of its population as the proportion of seniors increases more quickly than all other age groups. Seniors can be defined as those above the age of 65. In 2001, one in eight Canadians were aged 65 old ages or over. By 2026, one Canadian in five will hold reached age 65 ( Natural Resources Canada, 2009 ) . The challenges of an aging Canadian society will necessitate: continued attempts to better wellness, wellbeing and independency in ulterior life ; ease the engagement of older Canadians in economic and societal life ; strengthen the supportive environments within communities ; and, prolong authorities plans profiting Canadians of all ages ( Natural Resources Canada, 2009 ) . Canada ââ¬Ës seniors are a diverse population. Issues related to their overall wellness and wellbeing may change depending on their topographic point of abode ( urban, rural, or northern countries ) , their gender, and their ethno-cultural background every bit good as if they are among Canada ââ¬Ës Aboriginal people. Primary Health Care Services Primary wellness attention refers to an attack to wellness and a spectrum of services beyond the traditional wellness attention system. It includes all services that play a portion in wellness, such as income, lodging, instruction, and environment. Primary attention is the component within primary wellness attention that focuses on wellness attention services, including wellness publicity, unwellness and hurt bar, and the diagnosing and intervention of unwellness and hurt ( Health Canada, 2006 ) . Primary Health Care is besides relevant to secondary and third attention. The Primary Health Care attack focuses on advancing wellness and forestalling unwellness. The Primary Health Care attack means being attentive to and turn toing the many factors in the societal, economic and physical environments that affect heath ââ¬â from diet, income and schooling, to relationships, lodging, workplaces, civilization and environmental quality ( Health Canada, 2006 ) . In add-on, the Primary Heal th Care attack topographic points citizens and patients on the same degree with wellness professionals when it comes to doing determinations about wellness issues that concern them. The five rules normally associated with the Primary Health Care attack are handiness, public engagement, wellness publicity, appropriate engineering and inter-sectoral cooperation ( Health Canada, 2006 ) . Accessibility refers to a go oning and organized supply of indispensable wellness services available to all people with no unreasonable geographic or fiscal barriers. Public engagement means persons and communities have the right and duty to be active spouses in doing determinations about their wellness attention and the wellness of their communities. Health Promotion is the procedure of enabling people to increase control over and to better their wellness. Appropriate engineering includes methods of attention, service bringing, processs and equipment that are socially acceptable and low-cost. Inter se ctoral cooperation is the committedness from all sectors ( authorities, community and wellness ) is indispensable for meaningful action on wellness determiners ( Canadian Nurses Association, 2005 ) . Health Care in Rural Canada The challenge of supplying good quality wellness attention close to place in a state as huge and sparsely populated as Canada is non new. In malice of major scientific promotions and a wellness attention system that is rated amongst the top in the universe, the challenge remains. A figure of factors play a function in the handiness of, and entree to, good quality attention for rural occupants. Distribution of Doctors The uneven rural-urban distribution of doctors has been at the Centre of treatment for a figure of old ages. Less than 10 % of all doctors are known to be practising in rural Canada where about 20 % of the Canadian population resides ( Government of Canada, 2002 ) . When the information is broken down between household doctors general practicians and specializers, it is clear that specializers are even more under-represented in rural parts. Rural parts encounter troubles in recruiting and retaining doctors. Many factors play a function in a doctor ââ¬Ës determination to come in rural pattern, including both personal and professional dimensions. Physicians most interested in working in rural countries frequently come from rural backgrounds and are committed to working in this environment. Physicians ââ¬Ë determinations to go forth rural pattern are normally influenced by non-monetary factors, such as a deficit of professional back-up, long hours of work, limited chances for farther medical preparation, deficient occupation chances for spouses, and concerns over kids ââ¬Ës educational chances ( Government of Canada, 2002 ) . Levels of satisfaction with rural work appear to lift with propinquity to big urban centres. Several inducements are being implemented to promote and retain doctors in rural parts by most states and new schemes are ever being discussed. Another suggestion for covering with the deficit of rural doctors is to do rural wellness a more of import portion of the course of study in medical schools across Canada. The Canadian Medical Association has put forth recommendations that the instruction of doctors for rural pattern deserves particular attending to guarantee adequateness and rightness of larning experiences to run into the alone demands of rural Canada. Medical specializers are besides under-represented in rural countries with, harmonizing to the Canadian Medical Association, merely 5 % of the entire figure of Canadian specializers practising in rural countries. In Ontario, merely 4 % of specializers pattern in rural communities ( Government of Canada, 2002 ) . This state of affairs is expected to go worse in the following 20 old ages, when two-thirds of retiring doctors will be specializers and one-third household physicians/general practicians. This deficit of specializers will doubtless hold an impact on the rural community. It is of import to observe that there are grounds that one can reason with to apologize the uneven distribution of doctors. With Canada ââ¬Ës rural population being sparsely distributed in little Numberss, it is non executable to hold many doctors in rural and distant countries where the population is merely a few hundred. Having doctors for such a little figure of people is non economically executable and can take away from other countries that have a greater population. Sing the fact that many to a great extent populated countries are already missing doctors, increasing the figure of doctors for smaller populations may non be the best determination. Distribution of other Health Care Professionals The distribution of doctors is one of the biggest jobs in rural Canada and it is besides the most widely discussed ; nevertheless, it is of import to observe that the handiness of and entree to, other wellness attention professionals is besides of concern. The Canadian Medical Association has found that there is a deficiency of psychiatric nurses, physical healers, occupational healers, address diagnosticians and linguistic communication diagnosticians in rural countries ( Romanow, 2002 ) . Attempts are being made to counterbalance for this job by implementing household wellness squads. A Family Health Team is an attack to primary wellness attention that brings together different wellness attention suppliers to give the best possible quality of attention for the patient. Family Health Teams consist of physicians, nurses, nurse practicians and other wellness attention professionals who work together and convey their ain alone experiences and accomplishments so that the patient receives the really best attention when it is needed ( Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 2009 ) . This attack is designed to convey wellness attention as stopping point to place as possible for people populating in rural and distant countries every bit good as urban countries. This attack is besides meant to give physicians support from other wellness attention professionals so doctors and general practicians do non hold to bear the load of covering with patients entirely. Distribution of Health Care installations There is an uneven distribution of infirmary services and wellness attention installations and this reflects the uneven distribution of medical professionals every bit good. The sum of clip and distance it takes for people populating in rural countries to acquire to wellness attention installations is a major job. Traveling for a long clip for a long distance requires clip and money and besides adds to the uncomfortableness of the individual that is badly. There are no infirmaries in many little rural communities. The nearby urban centres may hold infirmaries with basic medical installations. However, patients need to be taken to big urban centres when specialized intervention is needed. For illustration, in Ontario, larger rural communities have infirmaries that provide indispensable services such as 24-hour exigency attention, OBs, anaesthesia, and general surgery. Smaller infirmaries may besides supply these installations ; nevertheless, these medical installations can be dependen t on specializers who may necessitate to be brought in from different infirmaries located in urban centres ( Romanow, 2002 ) . Rural countries have a limited figure of infirmaries which provide a limited figure of services, unlike their urban opposite numbers. When infirmaries do non supply certain services, which can be an issue for people populating in those countries, who already have such limited picks on their wellness attention. For illustration, if the lone infirmary available in a distant country is operated by spiritual leaders and followings, so installations such as abortion can non be available to the people. Although the option of abortion is available in several urban countries, many rural countries do non hold the option and if person is seeking abortion, so they would hold to go long distances to entree such a installation. It is of import to observe that similar to doctors, it may non be economically executable to hold a infirmary for every distant country where the population is much smaller than many of the urban countries. Hence, alternate options such as household wellness squads can be a good option for many of the rural countries. Rural Seniors Large populations of seniors in Canada live in rural countries. Approximately, one tierce of Canada ââ¬Ës seniors live in rural countries and little towns ( Minister of Public Works and Services Canada, 2002 ) . Seniors are besides the largest consumers of wellness attention. A figure of wellness jobs are peculiarly prevailing among aged Canadians, including depression, dementedness ( including Alzheimer ââ¬Ës Disease ) , osteoporosis, malnutrition, and loss of bodily maps ( sight, hearing, mobility, continency ) . All of these may necessitate specialised medical attention and support services. Traveling long distances to make needed services is peculiarly disputing for seniors with mobility jobs. The bulk of seniors in Canada live independently and it has repeatedly been proven through surveies that independency is a critical influence in seniors ââ¬Ë lodging picks. The capacity to populate independently, nevertheless, depends upon a figure of factors, including wellness, fiscal position, and the handiness of support services, which include professional services, such as medical or personal attention ( Minister of Public Works and Services Canada, 2002 ) . Over the old ages, a figure of support services have been developed to assist seniors. These services include repasts for seniors, particular transit, homecare, sing housewifes, societal and recreational plans, and reding and information. Although these services are effectual, they are for the big portion available merely in urban countries. In rural and distant countries there are jobs with entree to primary wellness attention. The deficiency of after hr ââ¬Ës services can take to the usage of exigency suites in the infirmary for instances that are non so terrible such as minor hurts or unwellness. Besides, if primary attention suppliers such as household physicians are non available at all, so patients have no pick but to travel to exigency suites in infirmaries for minor hurts and unwellnesss ( Minister of Public Works and Services Canada, 2002 ) . These patients who lack the primary attention supplier and therefore hold to see infirmaries are known as orphan patients. A bulk of the orphan patients are seniors. Besides, due to miss of appropriate attention, many of the patients that need specialized attention have to wait in infirmary beds, and occupy a bed, until they can be transported to other medical installations that offer such attention. The patients that occupy hospital beds in such manner are known as pati ents who need Alternative degree of Care ( ALC ) ( Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 2009 ) . It is of import to cover with the deficiency of primary wellness services in rural countries in efficient ways because seniors are more concentrated in rural parts and seniors are the largest consumers of wellness attention. An effectual manner to undertake this would be to use household wellness squads as you can hold a assortment of professionals working together and this can be good to patients every bit good as the medical professionals. Another effectual manner to turn to this issue, particularly the issue of ALC, is to utilize telemedicine. Ontario has one of the largest telemedicine webs in the universe and it is known as the Ontario Telemedicine Network. Telemedicine is the bringing of health-related services and information utilizing telecommunications engineerings. Through videoconferencing, digital instruments like stethoscopes and patient scrutiny cameras, telemedicine can present wellness attention straight to the places of the patients alternatively of patients holding to go ( Ontario Telemedicine Network, 2010 ) . This is particularly effectual in rural countries as the distance required to go can take a batch of clip and money. Cuting down on the traveling can besides be really good to seniors as they would salvage clip, money and they would non hold to go while ill. Telemedicine can assist with Alternative degree of Care patients as the patients now would non hold to go to urban centres and travel to specializers as the specializers can now come to them via videoconferencing. North East LHIN Enterprises The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care ( MOHLTC ) has started the Aging at Home Strategy with an purpose to reenforce the ability of community support services to let seniors to populate healthy, independent lives in their ain places. The enterprise is being led by the Local Health Integration Networks ( LHINs ) , with each LHIN having a specific support allotment to run into the demands of their local communities. Programs being funded include: enhanced place attention and community support services such as repasts, transit, shopping, snow shoveling and attention giving supports ( Northeast LHIN, 2010 ) . The North East LHIN ââ¬Ës enterprise can be peculiarly helpful with primary wellness attention. Their inaugural includes heightening the scope of place attention services for seniors to avoid unneeded ER admittances and support seasonably discharge from ER and infirmary. The North East LHIN besides looks to make intensive community based instance direction, in-home primary attention, enhanced community supports and enhanced mental wellness services ( Northeast LHIN, 2010 ) . European Primary Health Services Initiatives States in Europe besides experience similar issues in primary wellness attention services as Canada does. Looking at the enterprises taken by European states and comparing it to initiatives taken in Canada can be an effectual manner to compare and contrast the different wellness systems and besides to look for farther betterments in the Canadian wellness attention system. In Greece, the authorities has put forth the thought of community centres for the business and protection of older people. There are many of these centres, called KAPI, throughout the state. These centres combine the socialising facet with primary wellness attention installations every bit good as other societal services ( Oxford Institute of Aging, 2003 ) . These centres have societal nines and activities every bit good as primary wellness attention suppliers including doctors and physical therapists. Baseball clubs such as these can besides possibly be effectual in Canada. The nines do non needfully hold to be extras like those in Greece, but utilizing a similar thought can be helpful in footings of primary wellness attention services for seniors. Decision With the uninterrupted rise of the aging population in Canada, the demand for primary wellness attention services are increasing. This includes more focal point on bar and intervention of common diseases and hurts, basic exigency services and wellness publicity. It is of import to implement primary wellness attention services in rural Canada as the bulk of Canada ââ¬Ës seniors live in rural countries and besides because seniors are the biggest consumers of wellness attention. Current enterprises such as household wellness squads, telemedicine and the Aging at Home Strategy are taking good paces in footings of presenting primary wellness attention services. A combination of such plans along with larning from several plan applied around the universe can take to better primary wellness attention services for seniors, every bit good as the population as a whole.
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